Monthly average income and expenditure per capita at current prices (2016)

01 Jan 2017

By: Admin

x Statistics

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The monthly average income per capita of the whole country = 3.098 million dongs. By residence, that number for rural area = 2.423 million dongs, for urban area = 4.551 million dongs. By region, South East area comes first with the average income per capital = 4.662 million dongs, next is Red River Delta = 3.883 million dongs.
Monthly average expenditure per capita of the whole country = 2.157 million dongs, of which the average expenditure for each person in rural area = 1.735 million dongs, for urban area = 3.059 million dongs. By region, people in the South East area has that number = 3.018 million dongs, in Red River Delta it was 2.528 million dongs.
Source: General Statistic Office

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