State budget revenue account (first 6 months of 2015)

01 Jul 2015

By: Admin

x Statistics

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Total state budget revenue as of 15/06/2015 is VND 406.2 trillion, meets 44.6% of 2015 estimate.
Among three sources listed, domestic revenue contributes the most, with VND 298.8 trillion, 46.8% of the year estimate. In particular, the figure from state own enterprises is highest, VND 91.2 trillion though meets 41.3% of year estimate. Within the same category, revenue from land and house contributes only VND 24.4 trillion, though repesents 62.7% of 2015 estimate.
Revenue from export and import activities comes the second place, with VND 73.4 billion, 41.9% of the year estimate. Oil revenue contributes VND 32.6 trillion to the state budget, corresponding 35% of the year estimate.
In comparison with the same period of 2014, oil revenue decreases significantly by 23.6% in first half of 2015. Meanwhile, revenues from the other sources are on the upward trend, and environmental protection tax has highest growth rate (24%).
Source: General Statistics Office
Data consolidated by B&Company Vietnam
