Retail sales of goods and services (first 5 months of 2014)

01 Jul 2014

By: Admin

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In 5/2014, Vietnam retail sales of goods and services reached 240,272.6 billion VND (about 11.3 million USD), increasing by 0.6% in comparison with last month. By calculating with that number, in the first 5 months of 2014, total of retail sales and services was 1,178,981.9 billion VND (over 55 million USD). To compare with the same period in 2013, the figure shows a light increase of 11%. About types of ownership, the largest contribution was from Non-state businesses with 86.5% value in 5 months. Regarding the kinds of economic activity, 75.2% value came from retail sales. Tourism and services accounted only 1% in first 5 months.
Source: General Statistic Office

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