Brands Asia Vietnam Report 2014

01 Jan 2015

By: B&Company Vietnam


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1.      Project Overview

The cross-regional “Brand Asia 2014” project is led by Nikkei BP Consulting aiming to evaluate among different region, major brands’ overall strengths, measure image trends, analyze customers’ perceptions and other factors that has influence on brands’ performances. It was conducted in 27 large cities of 12 Asia countries from December 2013 to January 2014 by 3 data collection methods: Internet survey, Street catch and Telephone. Within 100 researched brands, 60 global brands are commonly selected for 12 countries and divided into 10 industries: 1)IT/Electronic (IT/Electronic), 2) Food/Drink, 3) Internet-related, 4) Sporting good (Sporting), 5) Automaker, 6) fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), 7) Restaurant, 8) Finance, 9) Clothing/Fashion items (Clothing) and 10) Diversified. The rest 40 local brands are differently selected by particular country (some of them may be international brands).

2.      Key report issues

“Brand Asia Vietnam 2014” report analyzes data collected from “Brand Asia 2014” project serving 2 main objectives:

– To analyze, evaluates and compares average industry strength and brand strength of major industries and brands in Vietnam and different country groups on various factors including performance, brand awareness, image, quality and most popular media channels.

– To present the results and analysis in the manner which support and facilitate marketing, investment as well as other insight research activities about brand strengths and characteristics.

3.      Key findings

a.      Industry awareness highly differentiates between developed group (Group A) and developing group (Group B)

Country group is classified based on national economic indicator GDP per capita. Group A includes Taiwan, Korea, Japan and Singapore. Group B incudes Myanmar, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, China, Malaysia and Turkey. From the result, brands in Group A generally have far better brand awareness then they do in Group B especially in Restaurant and Clothing industries. Brand awareness in Vietnam is significantly lower than other countries in Group B in which Finance and Clothing are two industries showing widest gaps.

b.      TV is the most popular channel to advertise products in researched countries

TV continues to be the most important advertising and media source providing customers with information about most of researched brands and industries in not only Vietnam but also other researched countries. While website is a second popular advertising channel in half number of researched countries, it ranks third in Vietnam. However, this channel as well as SNS (Social Network Service) is increasing its importance to brands’ marketing strategies due to rapid growth in access rate of young users thus promising a new customer approaching method.

c.       Foreign brands seem to continue their dominance in Vietnam

Foreign brands continue to dominate the market with 8 brands in top 10 while there are only 2 representatives from the local group. Despite score loss, Honda increases 1 position from 2013 and become leading brand with highest overall score. Apple and Microsoft have made giant step to position in top ten overall score list in 2014. The two local brands suffered serious ranking declined when Vinamilk fails to maintain its presence in top three and Trung Nguyen decrease its position to bottom stage

4.      Table content

1. About The Project and Report
2. Industry analysis
2.1. Difference by country groups
2.2. Difference between Vietnam & Other developing countries
2.3. Industry in Vietnam
3. Brands in Vietnam
3.1. IT/Electronic
3.2. Drink
3.3. Telecom
3.4. Internet-related
3.5. Sporting
3.6. Automaker
3.7. Food
3.8. FMCG
3.9. Restaurant
3.10. Finance
3.11. Clothing
4. Appendices

4.      Further Information

This report is completed on March, 2015 that covers information of the previous year. As the first Japanese market research firm in Vietnam, we understand business context and win customers’ trust by providing:

  • Top Tier Problem Solving
  • Quality Assurance
  • Language Barrier Free
  • Local Specialization

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