Vietnam 2009 Insights into comsumption trends and lifestyle

01 Jan 2010

By: B&Company Vietnam


Comments: No Comments.

* Researched area: Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city
* Time        : 05/2009-06/2009
* Survey method : Face-to-face interview at appointed places
* Target        : interviewees aged from 20 to 60
Excutive summary* Demographic profile
* Household finances
* Media access
* Personal consumption trends and lifestyle
* Household durable ownership
* Attitudinal trends
The survey questionnaire is designed in 80 questions which are classified into different content categories.
The report is available in the following forms: 
・01 FULL REPORT (230 pages in English or Japanese – Hard copy and 01 CD Room (Soft copy of report + Original Input & Analysis Excel file)
・01 FULL REPORT (230 pages in English or Japanese – hard copy)
・01 CUSTOMIZED REPORT (Introduction + Executive Summary + 1/5 topic in English or Japanese – hard copy)

For details on the survey and report, please contact B&Company Vietnam.