By: B&Company Vietnam
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Final report for “Data Collection Survey and Situation Analysis on Industrial Human Resource Development in Vietnam” is public on JICA website.
(Report was prepared by English, Vietnamese, Japanese)
This research was planned by the JICA Vietnam for the purpose of “Understanding the latest situation based on changes in Vietnam’s industrial human resources development policies and needs, in order to determine directions for future cooperation with Vietnam in IHRD”, and we (B & Company) implemented research based on JICA Vietnam request.
The research report was based on numerous interviews and questionnaire survey.
We would like to thank all of you for your cooperation as follows.
〇 Interview survey:
+ 23 training institutions (12 universities + 11 vocational education institutions)
+ 77 companies (41 Japanese companies + 36 other companies)
+ 32 organizations (12 Vietnamese government organizations + 10 international donors + 10 other organizations)
〇 Questionnaire survey:
+ 92 training institutions (43 universities + 49 vocational education institutions)
+ 1,000 companies (390 Japanese companies + 610 other companies)
+ 31 other organizations (Associations, Research institutions, Japanese language training centers)
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