銀行サービスレポート 2016

銀行サービスレポート 2016 調査概要: ベトナムの消費者の銀行サービスに対する行動を調べるため、消費者パネル (Bean Survey) を使用して調査を実施しました。 トピック ベトナムのリテールバンキングの顧客行動 目的 銀行の利用、顧客の将来の意向、潜在顧客への効果的なアプローチに関するベトナムの顧客行動を理解する サンプル – 1,323 人の回答者 – 銀行サービスに関連する活動を行ったことがある人 調査方法 オンライン調査 タイムライン 2015 年 12 月 28 日~2016 年 1 月 25 日 アンケート 18 の質問、内訳: – トピックに関する 10 の主要な質問、以下について理解する: – 銀行の利用行動 – 顧客満足度と将来の意向 – 顧客へのアプローチ – 8



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銀行サービスレポート 2016

研究内容: 私たちは消費者パネル(豆調査) to find out Vietnamese consumers behaviour of banking service

トピック Customer behavior of retail banking in Vietnam
客観的 Understand Vietnamese customer behavior in bank usage, customer’s future intention and effective approach to potential customers
サンプル – 1,323 respondents

– People who have done any activities that related to banking service

研究方法 オンライン調査
タイムライン Dec 28th, 2015 to Jan 25th, 2016
アンケート 18 questions, in which:

– 10 main questions related to the topic to understand about:

– Bank using behavior

– Customer satisfaction & future intention

– Approach to customers

– 8 questions related to respondents information.




主な調査結果  一般的に 


1 Bank Using Behavior •Most popular banks are Vietcombank, Agribank, Vietinbank, BIDV, DongA Bank, Techcombank, Sacombank

•More than 60% of people use basic services such as money transfer/receive and bank card

•More men make insurance investment or use bank loans compare to women, while women tend to use saving accounts more than men
2 Customer Satisfaction & Future Intention •Around 70% of people are satisfied with the services of their most frequently used banks, and they are very likely to continue using or introduce to others •People rate their likelihood to continue using or introduce to others the current bank at an average 4 point out of 5
3 Approach to Customers •72% of people know their current bank via their friend/ relatives

•Bank location, Bank staffs attitude and Interest rate are the top criteria that consumers consider when choosing a bank 

•Women are more affected by word of mouth than men since many women know bank information via School/ workplace and relative/ friend sources compared to men

Internal report for Banking in Vietnam 2016 is available from ここ


