x Statistics
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GDP of Ho Chi Minh city in the first 6 months this year is estimated at about 378.915 billion VND ( at current price), it has risen 8.2% compared with the same period in 2013 which was 7.9% and 8.1% in 2013 and 1012 respectively.
In aforementioned 8.2%, commerce & service accounted for 5.54% and those of industry & construction and agriculture, forestry & fisheries were 2.64% and 0.05% respectively.
– GDP at current price of agriculture, forestry & fisheries was 3.250 billion VND, taking up 0.9% of GDP and has gained 6% increase. Meanwhile, agricultural production value reached 4106.8 billion VND (at current price), which made it rise 4.1% compared with the same period last year; planting took up 34.2%, 4% increase; cattle breeding accounted for 56.3%, 4 increase. Production value of forestry was estimated to be 96.6 billion VND (at current price), increasing 54.6% compared with the same period last year, in which mining activities increased 68.9%. Fisheries’ value reached 2116.3 billion VND (at current price), rising 9.1 compared with same period last year. In fisheries, aquaculture value was 1563.3 billion VND , 14.9% increase; fisheries exploitation was 534.5 billion VND, 6.4% fall.
-At current price, GDP of industry & construction reached 150,652 billion VND, accounting for 39.8% of GDP, 6.4 increase. Specifically, industry took up 35.3%, increasing 6.6%; construction ‘s proportion was 4.4%, increasing 5.1%. Generally speaking, industrial production indicator rose 5.6% compared to the same period last year. Further specifically, there was a slight change in mining industry (0.4%); processing industry increased 5.6%; electricity production & distribution rose 5.7%; water supply and garbage processing increased 7.2%.
-In commerce & service, GDP at current price reach 225,013 billion VND, accounting for 59.4% of total GDP, increasing 9.6%. Specifically, increase rates of business, hotel & restaurants and logistic & storage were 11.1%, 10.8% and 12.6% respectively.
Source: Statistical office in Ho Chi Minh city
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