x Statistics
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In first half of 2015, the gross regional domestic product of Hanoi reached VND 187,879 billion, increased by 7.8% compared to that of 2014. Among 3 main economic sectors, service sector ranked first in growth rate (8.3%), industry and construction sector came the second place with 7.6%, and agriculture, forestry and fishing had lowest growth rate (2.8%).
In terms of production activities: Industrial production index increased by 6.8% compared to that of 2014, revenue from services reached VND 887,770 billion, increase by 10% compared to that of 2014. Revenue from transportation was recorded at VND 33,258 billion, increased by 13.2% compared to the same period of 2014.
Regarding international trade, total export value was USD 5,306 million, decreased by 1.2% compared to that of 2014, while the figure for import was USD 11,814 million, increased by 2.1%.
Regarding investment capital, the total amount was recorded at VND 136, 965 billion, increased by 10.4% compared to 2014 though the amount of foreign direct investment capital was on the downward trend.
Both revenue and spending of local authority increased by same rate of 13.2% compared to 2014. How ever, the period of 6 months of 2015 witnessed a significant decrease in revenue from crude oil (45% decrease compared to 2014).
Source: Hanoi Statistical Office
Data consolidated by B&Company Vietnam
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