Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery production value of HCMC in the first 6 months of 2014

01 Jul 2014

By: Admin

x Statistics

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HCMC’s Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery production value in the first 6 months of 2014 was VND 6,319.7 billion (actual price), increased by 6% compared with the same period of 2013; in there, agriculture raised by 4.1%, forestry went up by and 54.6%, and fishery increased by 9.1%
Agriculture production value reached VND 4,106.8 billion (actual price), in which Planting accounted 34.2% (4% increase); breeding occupied 56.3% (4% increase). Forestry production value was VND 96.6 billion (actual price), in there, Exploitation activities raised 68.9%. Fishery production value attained VND 2,116.3 billion (actual price), in which Aquaculture was VND 1,563.3 billion, went up by 14.9%; and Fishing was VND 534.5 billion, decreased by 6.4%.
Source HCMC Statistics Office
Data consolidated by B&Company Vietnam

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