Decree No 108/2006/ND-CP details and guides the implementation of Law on Investment

01 Jan 2012

By: B&Company Vietnam

Law & Regulations

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Decree No 108/2006/ND-CP details and guides the implementation of a number of articles of the November 29, 2005 Law on Investment regarding investment activities for business purposes; rights and obligations of investors; guarantees for legitimate rights and interests of investors; investmentencouragement and incentives; and state management of investment in Vietnam…
CHAPTER 1: General provisions
CHAPTER 2: Forms of investment
CHAPTER 3: Rights and obligations of investors
CHAPTER 4: Domains and geographical areas entitled to invesment preferences, investment preferences and supports
Section 1: Investment preferences
Section 2: Investment supports
CHAPTER 5: Procedures for direct investment
Section 1: Competence to approve and grant investment certificates
Section 2: Certification of investment
Section 3: Adjustment of investment projects
Section 4: Other provisions on foreign investment projects
Section 5: Some provisions on procedurse for use of state capital for investment and business
CHAPTER 6: Provisions on execution of investment projects and organization of business activities
CHAPTER 7: State management of investment
CHAPTER 8: Implementation provisions
Source: Ministry of Justice