Happy New Year 2022

01 Jan 2022

By: B&Company Vietnam


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2021 was indeed a Year of Resilience to us.
Our 3 offices in Tokyo, Hanoi, and Ho Chi Minh City spent almost 9 out of 12 months working from home. We had team members who got infected and survived COVID-19. We were in lock down in our office and spent days and nights together maintaining our working and daily routine.

Yet we have come this far. So we would like to spend the last working day of 2021 to thank you for your support and partnership, and share with you some of our humble but proud achievement.

Despite being most of the time in social distancing and lock down, we have:
– Stayed connected
– Supported 100+ clients from oversea SMEs to international organizations to continue finding business opportunities in Vietnam in diversified fields from digital transformation, startup, education, healthcare, manufacturing…to tackling social-economic issues
– Arranged 120+ online business matching session between oversea companies and Vietnamese enterprises
– Reached out and listened to 250+ companies and organizations in various in-depth studies
– Surveyed thousands of individuals for sharing insights

It’s been truly another tough year to us all. But we thank you who crossed path with us, for being there, for staying connected, for choosing us, and for your partnership.

May your 2022 come with peace, more good news and meaningful achievements!

From the team at B&Company Vietnam
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