
The usage of Internet in Vietnam 2013
10-09-2014 According to VECITA survey, 702 out of 781 Internet users (92%) go online daily. Laptop and mobile phone continued to be the most popular devices to access Internet in big cities (60% and 50% respectively). According to the survey, 87% go online to update information, 73% use social network or forums, 71% access e-mail, and
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Decree for detail and guide of the implementation of law on enterprise income tax
06-08-2014 Decree 218/2013/ND-CP regulates in detail and guides the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on corporate income tax and the Law on amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on corporate income tax including: taxpayer, taxable income, Exempt income, determination of taxable income, loss and loss carrying; revenues, deducted
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The status of e-commerce websites in Vietnam 2013
25-12-2014 Generally, in 164 e-commerce service websites participating in the survey, the main model was primarily online store (60%). The following were classified advertisement (45%), buying in group (19%) and forum (18%). 78% of e-commerce service websites were established by their own budget, 14% by the state budget and 8% of them received from the foreign
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Total export, import value of Vietnam (1996-2013)
08-01-2015 Total export – import of Vietnam during 1996-2013 increased 14 times from $ 13.4 million to $ 264.066 million USD. Since 2007, the total import – export value reached over $ 100 million. The highest growth rate is in 2007 (up 31% y-o-y) and the lowest is  in 2009 (down 11.4% y-o-y). In the
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Affectiveness of applying e-commerce in Vietnam 2013
29-10-2014 The survey’s results showed that 5% of online purchasers were very satisfied, 29% were satisfied, 62% felt neutral and 4% were dissatisfied. The obstacle of online shopping to respondent were the quality of products or services worse than advertised (77%); price not lower than buying from traditional shops (40%); unprofessional logistic services (38%); afraid of
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Total revenue from tourists of Vietnam (2006-2013)
09-12-2014 Total revenue of Vietnam tourism industry in the period of 2006 – 2013 increased from 51 trillion VND in 2006 to 200 trillion VND  in 2013. The average growth rate achieved  28.1% in which the highest growth rate in 2006 (70%) and the lowest in 2008 (7.1%). Although growth rate of total income of Vietnam tourism industry  got the highest in 2006,
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Estimation of VN B2C e-comerce sales in 2013
06-09-2014 In 2013, VECITA, the Ministry of Industry and Trade collected data from the outstanding e-commerce firms. The survey’s result revealed that the estimation of e-commerce sales per online buyer accounted for approximately $120 in 2013. Purchasing items were fashion, cosmetics products (62%), technology and electronic products (35%), household products (32%), air tickets (25%) and others.
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Situation of trade between Vietnam and Japan in 2013
06-06-2014 Vietnam export value to Japan increased continously from 2009-2013 with CAGR of 21.4%. Import value from Japan increased in three years 2009-2011, however, since 2012, the figure stucked at 11.6 billion USD. Before 2011, the trade balance Vietnam-Japan was deficit but since 2011 the positive numbers has appeared. In 2013, trade balance reached +2.
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Vietnam film industry 2013
25-12-2014 In 2013, Vietnam has a total of 253 producers, including 30 state producers (12%) and 223 private producers (88%). This shows that Vietnam Film industry is attracting the private producers joining the market. Of the total number of films produced in 2013, feature films counted for  the largest proportion of 25 films (37%) and featrue documentary counted for the lowest
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Telecommunications revenue 2008 – 2013
17-12-2014 Telecommunications in the period 2008 – 2013 had the volatility in revenue. After years of continuous growth, revenue fell into decline period in 2011 due to the impact of the economic downturn, while revenue from mobile services decreased from 5.7 billion to 5.4 billion. Although sales rebounded in 2012 but in 2013, due to
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