Telephone market in Vietnam 2009 – 2012

01 Jan 2013

By: B&Company Vietnam

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From 2008 to 2012, it can be seen that there was a surge in mobile phone. Number of 2G mobile phone subscribers in 2012 was nearly 116 million people, about 1.5 times as many as that in 2009. Similarly, 3G mobile phone rose from 7 million subscribers to more than 15 million subscribers, 2.2 times although it was not until 2009 that 3G mobile phone came to exist. In contrast with mobile phone, fewer and fewer subscribe fixed-line telephone day by day. 2009 was the peak year of fixed-line telephone when there were nearly 17.5 million subscribers. However, it then experienced such drastic decrease to 9.5 million subscribers in 2012.

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