
State budget revenue account (first 6 months of 2015)
08-03-2016 Total state budget revenue as of 15/06/2015 is VND 406.2 trillion, meets 44.6% of 2015 estimate.   Among three sources listed, domestic revenue contributes the most, with VND 298.8 trillion, 46.8% of the year estimate. In particular, the figure from state own enterprises is highest, VND 91.2 trillion though meets 41.3% of year estimate.
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Evaluation of key performance criteria in Hanoi (first 6 months of 2015)
23-10-2015 In first half of 2015, the gross regional domestic product of Hanoi reached VND 187,879 billion, increased by 7.8% compared to that of 2014. Among 3 main economic sectors, service sector ranked first in growth rate (8.3%), industry and construction sector came the second place with 7.6%, and agriculture, forestry and fishing had lowest growth rate (2.8%).
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The advantages of foreign brand products in Vietnam functional food market (May 2015)
The advantages of foreign brand products in Vietnam functional food market (May 2015)
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Renewable energy, barrier to economic development (Apr 2015)
Renewable energy, barrier to economic development (Apr 2015)
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Number of canned food factories with foreign investment on the rise (March 2015)
The key to chocolate confectionery market in Vietnam is cheap price?
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Coating market – demand for industrial coating on the rise
Coating market - demand for industrial coating on the rise
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Vietnam Television Service Report 2014
1. What is highlighted in this issue? In addition to the comprehensive analysis of the market itself, the issue covers a section of Vietnam Television Service Background that have significant impacts on the industry. B&Company also analyzes how the digital infrastructure and demographic features in Vietnam will likely create change the landscape of Television Service Industry
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Retail sales of goods and services of HCMC (first 10 months of 2014)
19-11-2014 In October, total retails of goods and services of HCMC was 55,879 billion VND, increased 3.2% and 10.6% respectively compared to last month and the same period last year. In the first 10 months, total retails of goods and services was 530,479 billion VND, increased 12% compared to the same period of 2013. Excluding
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Brands Asia Vietnam Report 2014
1.      Project Overview The cross-regional “Brand Asia 2014” project is led by Nikkei BP Consulting aiming to evaluate among different region, major brands’ overall strengths, measure image trends, analyze customers’ perceptions and other factors that has influence on brands’ performances. It was conducted in 27 large cities of 12 Asia countries from December 2013 to January 2014 by
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Unemployment rate of labour force in working age in urban area by region (2011-2014)
06-07-2015 The period from 2011 to 2014 witnessed a fluctuation in the unemployment rate of labour force in working age in urban area in the whole country. In 2012, the rate decreased by 11% compared to that of 2011 (3.6%), and then rose back to 3.59% in 2013. Fortunately, in 2014 the figure for whole country fell
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