
Unemployment rate of working-age labor in 2016
Unemployment rate (overall)   Unemployment rate of working-age labor = 2.30%, of which it was 3.18% for the urban area; 1.86% for the rural area.   Unemployment (youth)   Unemployment rate of the youth aged 15-24= 7.34%, of which it was 11.30% for the urban area; 5.74% for the rural area.   Employment rate  
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Social-economic situation in Hanoi in 2016
    GRDP in Hanoi 2016   Estimated Gross Regional Domestic Product(GRDP) in Hanoi increased 8.2% from 2016. In 2016, Hanoi investment fund reached 277,950 billions VND (up 10% from 2015), of which government fund increase 15%, FDI fund increase 2.4%, export value in December 2016 reached 928 million USD (up 3% from last month).
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State budget revenue account (2016 Dec)
Revenue   Total government revenues = 943.3 trillion dongs (93% of annual estimate), of which domestic revenues=744.9 trillion dongs (94.9% of annual estimate); collecting from crude oil= 37.7 trillion dongs (69.2%); from export-import balance = 156.2 trillion dongs (90.8%).   Expenditure   Total government expenditures= 1135.5 trillion dongs (89.2% of annual estimate), of which, spending
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Out of office (26th Jan – 1st Feb)
Please note that all our company offices will be closed during Tet Holidays (from 26th January until 1st February).   We will reopen on 2nd February 2017. We appreciate your support and cooperation. Thank you B&Company Inc., ================================================= For futher inquiries, please kindly contact us via email:  
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Banking Service Report 2016
Banking Service Report 2016 Research Description: We conducted survey by using our consumer panel (Bean Survey) to find out Vietnamese consumers behaviour of banking service Topic Customer behavior of retail banking in Vietnam Objective Understand Vietnamese customer behavior in bank usage, customer’s future intention and effective approach to potential customers Sample – 1,323 respondents –
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Act on customs 2014
18-08-2014 Act on customs 2014, issued by The Socialist Republic of Vietnam prescribes the State management over customs with regard to exported, imported or transited goods, transport means on exit, entry and in transit, of foreign and domestic organizations and individuals; and the organization and operation of the customs service. This Law shall apply to:
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Circular 111/2013/TT-BTC on personal income tax
08-06-2014 Circular 111/2013/TT-BTC prescribes the implementation of the law on personal income tax, the law on the amendments to the law on personal income tax, and the governmental decree No 65/2013/ND-CP elaborating a number of articles of the law on personal income tax and the law on the amendments to the law on personal income
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List of projects calling for FDI (until 2020)
12-08-2014 Vietnamese government has issued list of projects that call for FDI till 2020. The list consists of 127 projects focusing mainly on infrastructure. The Decision takes effect from April 29, 2014. The list includes: 1. Infrastructure 1.1  Traffic infrastructure –      Road –      Railway –      Airport –      Sea port 1.2  Energy infrastructure 1.3  Urban infrastructure
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Fintech industry in Vietnam – 11.3billion USD Market in 2020
Fintech industry in Vietnam - 11.3billion USD Market in 2020
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