[Insight Survey] How Vietnamese people respond to COVID-19 outbreak

01 Mar 2020

By: B&Company Vietnam


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Since the first case found in Wuhan (China) at the end of 2019, the COVID-19 outbreak has affected the daily life and social-economic activities of millions of people around the world in many aspects. As a country with borderline with China, Vietnam, with its high population density and a relatively vulnerable healthcare system, has great pressure and concern with the affects of this ongoing outbreak which is recently announced “a pandemic” by the WHO.

The team at B&Company Vietnam has decided to conduct a quick online survey on our online research platform Bean Survey to find out some key insights on how Vietnamese people response to the COVID-19 outbreak. We believe this information can be beneficial to many including those who are making related policies, or doing business in Vietnam, or to those who want to understand social reaction patterns on a medical outbreak.

As a quick survey conducted in just 3 days, we are aware of certain limitations in this report. However, with careful and professional measures of an experienced research team on a well-established online survey platform, we believe the data reflects the overall picture of the researched matters and can be a good and timely reference source.

We are also planning to do more related research and have more updates on the topic to support you in making effective decisions in an ever-changing crisis.

Should you have more questions and requests for further study and cooperation, please contact us at info@b-company.jp.

[Bean survey] How Vietnamese people respond to COVID-19 outbreak in Vietnam from B&Company