Last Updated: 25th June 2019 General Nation Socialist Republic of Vietnam Capital Hanoi (2017 population 7.66 million) Independence day September 2nd 1945 Politics One-party state (Communist State) Army Vietnam’s People Army Currency Vietnam Dong Geography Location Southeast Asia Provinces 5 municipalities and 58 provinces Area 331,230.8 km2 Climate Tropical and Monsoon Time zone GMT+7 Demography
x Statistics
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Last Updated: 25th June 2019
Nation | Socialist Republic of Vietnam |
Capital | Hanoi (2017 population 7.66 million) |
Independence day | September 2nd 1945 |
Politics | One-party state (Communist State) |
Army | Vietnam’s People Army |
Currency | Vietnam Dong |
Location | Southeast Asia |
Provinces | 5 municipalities and 58 provinces |
Area | 331,230.8 km2 |
Climate | Tropical and Monsoon |
Time zone | GMT+7 |
Population (2018 July est) | 97.04 million |
Density (2017 est) | 305 people/km2 |
Urban population (2017 est) | 32.2 million (33.6%) |
Average age (2017) | 30.8 |
Languages | Vietnamese, English Minorities’ languages |
Main language | Vietnamese |
Ethnicity | 54 Ethnic groups (Kinh (Viet) 85.7%) |
Life expectancy at birth (2018) | 73.9 years old |
HDI (2018) | 0.694 |
GDP (2017) | 5,119,892 billion VND (220.4 billion USD) |
GDP Per capita (2017) | 160.287 million VND (6,900 USD) |
GDP annual growth rate (2017) | 6.81% |
CPI annual growth rate (2017) | 3.53% |
Unemployment rate (2017) | 2.24% |
Exchange rate (2018 April) | 1 USD=23,350 VND 1JPY=222.61 VND |
Data Source:General Statistics Office, Vietcombank, Central Intelligence Agency
The information and statements contained herein, including any expression of opinion, are based upon sources believed to be reliable but their accuracy, completeness or correctness is not guaranteed. B&Company Vietnam accepts no liabilities whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this document or its contents. |
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