Number of teachers in universities and colleges by professional qualification (2009-2012)

01 Jan 2013

By: B&Company Vietnam

x Statistics

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The number of teachers in universities and colleges increased by approximately 25% from 2009 to 2012. In 2012, the total reached 87,160 teachers. Among that, the number of postgraduate people accounted for 56% of total and also grew at highest rate (by 44.5% in four years) in comparision with that of graduate teacher (increased by 8.2% only) and others.
Public sector’s teachers outnumbered non-public’s. In 2009, number of teachers in public universities and colleges was 6.5 times as many as that in non-public ones. However, this gap was being shortened significantly because of the fast increase in the number of nonpublic sector’s teachers (nearly doubled in four years) while the number of public sector’s teachers grew just by 14.5% in the period and even slightly decreased in 2012 year on year. Especially, the number of postgraduate teachers in non-public sector rose by 150% in 2012.
Source: General statistics office

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