
Decree No 43/2010/ND-CP on business registration prescribes the system of business registration
11-06-2012 Decree No 43/2010/ND-CP on business registration prescribes in details the system of business registries and dossier, order and procedures of  business registration, registration of amendment in the content of business registration dossier for  enterprises under the Enterprise Law and household businesses. Content: CHAPTER 1: General provisions CHAPTER 2: Mandates, tasks of the business registration
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Number of supermarkets by province 2009 – 2012
05-06-2014 In the period 2009-2012, the number of supermarkets in Vietnam increased 1.5 times, located most in South East and Red River Deltawhere there is high population density rate. Central Land and Mekong River Delta had the fewest number of supermarkets. In 2012, Vietnam had 659 supermarkets. Ho Chi Minh city is the province that had the most supermarkets with 162 ones, accounting for 83% of South
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Unemployment rate of labour force at working age in urban area by region (2009-2012)
27-06-2014 In four year period from 2009 to 2012, unemployment rate in urban area of Vietnam showed a positive trend. In 2012, urban unemployment rate of whole country was 3.21%, decreased by 30% in comparison with 2009, showing the signal of economic recovery. Two regions: Northern midlands and mountain areas and Central highlands experienced the
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Monthly average expenditure per capita at current prices (2008-2012)
16-07-2014 From 2008 to 2012, Vietnam’s monthly average expenditure per capita increased with the CAGR of 19.37%. In 2012, it was 1.6 million dongs (about 77 dollars). By residence, in general, the monthly average expenditure of each person in urban area nearly doubled that in rural area. However, rural area’s figure showed growth at the higher
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Gross output of industry by province (2005-2012)
05-06-2014 From 2005 to 2012, gross output of industry of Vietnam increased continously. The whole country grew with the CAGR of 24.67% and reached 4,627,733.1 billion VND in 2012. The fastest industrial development place was Quang Ngai with around 80% CAGR. Some other provinces grew at high speed such as Yen Bai and Bac Ninh
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Government structure
12-09-2012 The government structure of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is defined by a single-partysocialist republic framework, in a one-party system led by the Communist Party of Vietnam. President of Vietnam is the head of state and the Prime Minister of Vietnam is the head of government. Along with them, General secretary and Chairman of national assembly are the top 4 people that take the lead of Vietnam.
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Number of shopping malls by province 2008 – 2012
22-08-2014 From 2008 to 2012, the number of commercial centers increased but stagnated in 2012 because of downturn economy. Commercial centers mainly open in the higher developing level such as Red river delta and South east. Ho CHi Minh city had the most with 26 commercial centers, accounting for 22.6% of those in the whole
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Internet situation in Vietnam 2011 – 2012
13-06-2014      In general, internet in Vietnam has a tendency to grow in almost all aspects from 2011 to 2012. Internet subscribers via different channels  like xDSL, CATV, leased line, FTTx all increased considerably in which the most remarkable is internet subscriber via leasedline: from 11,614 subscribers to 108,516 (934%). Despite change in internet
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Coffee Import and Export Situation in Vietnam (2006-2012)
29-04-2014 Vietnam exported figure considerably outweighed that of import in both value and volume term. However, Vietnam imported volume in 2012 was approximately 9 times more than that of year 2006, while exported volume’s CARG was just 7.5% between 2006 and 2012. Similarly, imported value growth rate was 2.7 times greater than that of exported
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Export – import between Vietnam and other countries in the first 4 months of 2012
2012年5月7日 以下のデータは、ベトナムと世界の重要国との間の貿易収支を示しています。ヨーロッパ諸国では​​、輸出額は輸入額よりもはるかに高い(輸出額は世界のすべての国への輸出の18%を占め、その輸入の割合は7.4%である)。それらの国の中で、ドイツは輸出と輸入の両方の点で他の国から際立っています。ベトナムのドイツへの輸出は10億米ドルを超え、ヨーロッパ諸国への総輸出の22%を占めています。一方、その輸入は6億2200万米ドルを超え、ヨーロッパからの総輸入の25.4%を占めています。 ヨーロッパとは対照的に、ベトナムはアセアン諸国への輸出よりもアセアン諸国からの輸入である。輸入額は世界各国からの総輸入額の20.2%に過ぎませんが、輸出額の約1.3倍です。輸出面では、マレーシアが10億米ドル(ASEANの輸出額の24%)を超えており、輸入額はタイから17億米ドルであり、ASEANの総輸入額の26%を占めています。 ベトナムが最も商品を輸出している国はアメリカです。輸出額は約58億米ドルで、総輸出額の18%を占めています。ベトナムは世界の他のすべての国と比較して最も多く中国から商品を輸入しています。その価値は78億米ドルで、世界の総輸入額の最大24%を占めています。 出典:総合統計局。 The information and statements contained herein, including any expression of opinion, are based upon sources believed to be reliable but their accuracy, completeness or correctness is not guaranteed. B&Company Vietnam accepts no liabilities whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this document or its contents.
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