
GDP of Ho Chi Minh city in first 6 months of 2014
08-08-2014 GDP of Ho Chi Minh city in the first 6 months this year is estimated at about 378.915 billion VND ( at current price), it has risen 8.2% compared with the same period in 2013 which was 7.9% and 8.1% in 2013 and 1012 respectively. In aforementioned 8.2%, commerce & service accounted for 5.54% and those of  industry &
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The market for wine and spirits in Vietnam
The market for wine and spirits in Vietnam
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The sign of diversifying need in the motorbike market
The sign of diversifying need in the motorbike market
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Trend of Vietnam software industry in recent years
Trend of Vietnam software industry in recent years
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The key to chocolate confectionery market in Vietnam is cheap price?
The key to chocolate confectionery market in Vietnam is cheap price?
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New tariff for export and import goods 2013
New tariff for export and import goods 2013
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Decree for detail and guide of the implementation of law on enterprise income tax
06-08-2014 Decree 218/2013/ND-CP regulates in detail and guides the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on corporate income tax and the Law on amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on corporate income tax including: taxpayer, taxable income, Exempt income, determination of taxable income, loss and loss carrying; revenues, deducted
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Situation of trade between Vietnam and Japan in 2013
06-06-2014 Vietnam export value to Japan increased continously from 2009-2013 with CAGR of 21.4%. Import value from Japan increased in three years 2009-2011, however, since 2012, the figure stucked at 11.6 billion USD. Before 2011, the trade balance Vietnam-Japan was deficit but since 2011 the positive numbers has appeared. In 2013, trade balance reached +2.
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Vietnam hospitality market and foreign investors (Nov 2013)
Vietnam hospitality market and foreign investors (Nov 2013)
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Vietnam coal industry, demand is going to surpass supply (May 2013)
Vietnam coal industry, demand is going to surpass supply (May 2013)
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