
B&Companyは、自動駐車PNT企業設立におけるベトナムと日本の協力の成功のためにコンサルタントおよび架け橋となることを嬉しく思います。「PNT」という言葉は、Petrolimex Construction JSC No.1、Nissei Build Asia Pte. Ltd、およびTamada Industries, Inc.を含む合弁事業の3者の名前の最初の3文字を組み合わせた略語です。調印式は、Petrolimex Corpの取締役代表であるTrinh Tran氏と、PetrolimexおよびPCC-1の他の部門リーダーの立ち会いのもと、2014年12月20日にPCC-1コンベンションセンターで行われました。PNT Autxo Parking JSC合弁事業の3者の代表者上記の参加者の他に、B&Companyは、




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B&Company’s pleased to be consultant and bridge for the success of cooperation between Vietnamese and Japanese in an establishment of Automatic Parking PNT enterprise.
The word“PNT” is a combined abbreviation of 3 first characters of the 3 parties’ name in the joint venture including Petrolimex Construction JSC No.1, Nissei Build Asia Pte. Ltd and Tamada Industries, Inc. The signing ceremony happened on Dec 20 2014 at PCC-1 conventional center with witnesses of Mr. Trinh Tran – Representative of Board director – President of Petrolimex Corp and other departmental leaders of Petrolimex and PCC-1.

Representatives of 3 parties in PNT Autxo Parking JSC Join Venture
Apart from above participants, B&Company Vietnam also has North office representative giving speeches during the ceremony. B&Company has been providing consulting service for founders in regard of policy, legislative procedures advice and other related issues.

B&Company Vietnam gives speech at the signing ceremony
At the ceremony, Nissei Inc also brings and introduces some of successful samples of auto parking solutions in Japan with more than 1,400 lots capable of up to 50,000 vehicles. Manufacturing plants are expected to locate at PCC1 factories in Hung Yen and HCM city, meeting increasingly high parking demands in Vietnam’s two largest cities as well as supplying for other needed provinces.
Although the auto parking technology has become popular in some Southeast Asia countries, it is still quite new to such country like Vietnam. This is seen a critically huge project with advanced equipment from Japan and is expected to solve the issues of parking lot shortage in large cities in near future when the demand for vehicle is keeping increased.

