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B&Company is the first Japanese market research company in Vietnam

We provide quality services following international standards.

As a member of ESOMAR, we manage our research & consulting projects with strong commitment for quality control and ethics. We also invest in research facility including FGD room & online survey platform.
Our research expertise includes quantitative research (questionnaires, interviews, observation, records), qualitative research (in-depth-interviews, focus group discussion), desk research, home visiting… to name a few.

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Supported Business Sectors

(Medical & Healthcare, Education, IT, Real Estate, Construction, Finance & Banking, Retails…)


Successful Projects

(in research & consulting)



Satisfied Customers

(Government Org., B2Bs, B2Cs)



What we do

We provide a wide range of market research & investment consulting services for our clients to support the process of strategic decision making & business establishment in Vietnam. We also offer services in Japan and other East Asia markets thanks to our network & partnership in the area.

Our Database

A boutique research & strategy consulting company from Japan

Founded in Japan in 2001 as a market research and oversea investment consulting company based in Tokyo, we had expanded into Vietnam since 2008 with 2 offices in the country’s major cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. For 2 decades, we have been supporting many clients from various economic sectors in making strategic investment decisions. Additionally, by utilizing our enterprise database (E-DB) of over 900,000 companies in Vietnam, covering approximately 90% of businesses operating in Vietnam, we can support client in business matching and providing insight about the market effectively.

Please feel free to contact us and discuss your investment ideas and take advantage from our resourceful local data, network, and expertise.

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Vietnam Enterprise Data

Vietnam Enterprise Data

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Industry Reports

Industry Reports

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Vietnam Key Statistics

Vietnam Key Statistics

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Vietnam Legal Framework

Vietnam Legal Framework

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Case Studies

Vietnam Mobile Payment Towards A Data Society

Market Research, Consulting

Product Concept Test: Evaluation on New City Car Model

Market Research, Market Understanding, Product Concept Test

Data Collection Survey For Improvement Of Housing Finance

Market Research, Consulting

Brand Asia – An Inclusive Evaluation on Major Brands

Market Research, Brand Health Check

Our Network & Partners