Law & Regulations

Decree No 43/2010/ND-CP on business registration prescribes the system of business registration
11-06-2012 Decree No 43/2010/ND-CP on business registration prescribes in details the system of business registries and dossier, order and procedures of  business registration, registration of amendment in the content of business registration dossier for  enterprises under the Enterprise Law and household businesses. Content: CHAPTER 1: General provisions CHAPTER 2: Mandates, tasks of the business registration
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Law on enterprises 2005 in Vietnam
12-07-2012 The Law on enterprise Vietnam 2005 defines and regulates establishment, management and operation of different kinds of enterprises (limited liability companies, shareholding companies, partnerships and private enterprises) in Vietnam economy. Chapter I GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter II ESTABLISHMENT AND BUSINESS REGISTRATION Chapter III LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES Section I. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES WITH TWO OR MORE
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List of sectors in which investment is conditional applicable to foreign investors
26-08-2012 List of sectors in which investment is conditional applicable to foreign investors (Issued with Decree 108 -2006-ND-CP of the Government dated 22 September 2006) 1. Broadcasting and television. 2. Production, publishing and distribution of cultural products. 3. Exploration and exploitation of minerals. 4. Establishment of infrastructure for telecommunications network, transmission and provision of internet
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Standard forms for conducting investment procedures in Vietnam
27-03-2012 Decision No 1088/2006/D-BKH provides standard forms related to investment procedures in Vietnam for enterprises who have been conducting both domestic and foreign investment activities. Content: 1. Standard forms applicable to investors a. Standard forms applicable to both domestic and foreign investment b. Standard forms applicable only to domestic investment c. Standard forms applicable only
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Decree No 108/2006/ND-CP details and guides the implementation of Law on Investment
16-04-2012 Decree No 108/2006/ND-CP details and guides the implementation of a number of articles of the November 29, 2005 Law on Investment regarding investment activities for business purposes; rights and obligations of investors; guarantees for legitimate rights and interests of investors; investmentencouragement and incentives; and state management of investment in Vietnam… CHAPTER 1: General provisions
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List of sectors in which investment is prohibited
14-09-2012 List of prohibited investment sectors (Issued with Decree 108/2006/ND-CP of the Government dated 22 September 2006)  I. Projects which are detrimental to national defence and security and the public interest 1. Production and processing of drugs. 2. Investment in and commercial operation of secret investigation services violating the State interests, lawful rights and interests of organizations and
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