Quantitative Research vi


Quantitative Research

Our Quantitative Research service covers the following methodologies:

  • Online Survey
  • Telephone Survey
  • Face-to-Face Survey
  • Central Location Test (CLT)

We have developed our own online survey platform named BEAN Survey with large number of panelists across major cities in Vietnam. Besides, we also have a network with other research partners in East Asia regions such as Japan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan… to support our clients with cross-regional projects.

Clients chose us for our dedication to quality control from each of the research process from questionnaire design, fieldwork management to data process & analysis.

Ensure sample representing the target population

Able to recruit various sample sizes

Ensure response quality with multi-layered QC process

BEAN Survey

BEAN Survey is an online survey platform developed since 2014. Being among the first platforms of its kind in Vietnam, BEAN Survey has been a trusted online survey service provider in the country with a constantly expanding panel (about 160,000 members with demographic diversity across Vietnam as of July 2020). Find out more at beansurvey.vn