Vietnam Enterprise Data vi

The outside-in approach to gain market insights & make strategic decision in a business ecosystem context

In recent years, the concept of building a business ecosystem has emerged as an idea to do business in an increasingly changing business environment and globalization. To become a part of a network of interlinked stakeholders is crucial to grow business and survive. It can be expectably challenging to do so when enter a new market on the path to scale up your business. The question is how to acquire trustable information so as to understand and approach the right prospective business partners (say it suppliers, customers, distributors, agencies, competitors…) to which you would compete and cooperate with. That is the starting point of our determination to develop a service to help our clients find the answers to their concern.
A business ecosystem includes:
  • Companies to which you outsource some business functions
  • Institutions that provide you with financing
  • Firms that provide the technology needed to carry out your business
  • Makers of complementary products that are used in conjunction with your own
  • Makers of substitute products and services
  • Competitors and customers, when their actions and feedback affect the development of your own products or processes
  • Entities like regulatory agencies and media outlets that can have a less immediate, but just as powerful, effect on your business

Why we develop our Vietnam Enterprise Data?

Positioning ourselves as a trusted partner to support our clients measure and interpret market insights at ecosystem level on their path to expand business in Vietnam, we thrive to develop a Vietnam Enterprise Database along side our Business Matching Service.

Emerging Vietnam as a favourable investment destination

  • Increasingly deep integration with the global economy through many bilateral & multilateral cooperation
  • Stable socio-economic environment and increasingly transparent investment law
  • HR resource with diverse skill sets & adaptive to intercultural working environment
  • Competitive investment cost
  • Strategic consideration to move production site as a result of COVID-19 pandemic, the pressure of diversifying supply chain as a result of “China + 1” policy & the US-China trade war
  • Vietnam is in a geographically strategic position for international trade plus its domestic market is booming

Our Service Process

Client looking for:
– Sub-contracting suppliers
– Prospective customers
– Strategic distributors
– (…)
B&Company analysing requests & consulting
– Selection criteria
– Focus points
– (…)
Report extracted from our Enterprise Database
– Prospective business partner list
– Basic company profile of Client’s interested list
– (…)
Screening & Shortlist
– Business candidate hearing
– Credit check
– Analysis & Report
Business Matching
– Meeting arrangement (online or offline)
– Document preparation
– Follow-up & support

Why Us

Local market experience

We have more than 10 years of experience supporting Clients on their business expansion in Vietnam market with a large network and market data

All-in-one solution

We can support you from the beginning of your prospective search to the final partnership establishment or strategic direction development


As a third-party consultant, we do not have family or relative’s ties, nor other commercial interests, which would lead us to biased information and not selecting the best choice for You

Data Connection

Don’t lose your time searching through numerous incomplete websites and traders, through our National enterprise database* and network, we quickly find you the best candidates

Language barrier free

Our team speaks English, Japanese, Vietnamese and we have a professional network of escort interpreters of many other language pairs

Our Service Packages

Business partner list


Company report of
your interested
prospective business partners


full business
matching service